Reports, Updates, Information

State v. Blake Information and Resources

Blake Civil Consequences:

In its State v. Blake decision, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled the state’s former simple drug possession laws unconstitutional. Historically, these laws caused tremendous harm to communities of color, deprived many thousands of people of their freedom, and caused great harm to their abilities to get jobs, housing, and governmental benefits.

The Blake decision requires that all prior convictions be vacated and all monies paid into the courts as a result of those decisions (Legal Financial Obligations) must be returned to all who were unconstitutionally convicted (going back as far as 1972).

OCLA contracts with civil legal aid providers that assist victims eligible to civil relief as a result of the Blake decision.  OCLA-funded providers offer a range of services including representation, Blake-related resources (such as the Refund Bureau administered by the Administrative Office of the Courts), guidance, and self-help materials.  The objective is to ensure that individuals impacted by these historically racist convictions receive the information, resources, and legal assistance they need to guarantee that unconstitutional convictions are vacated and all monies paid as a result of these are rightfully returned.

Looking for Legal Help?

If you need legal help, consider reaching out to any of the organizations listed below. However, if you require help with resentencing or are currently in custody, we recommend that you contact your local public defender’s office.  A list of public defender offices is here.

OCLA-Contracted Organizations Providing Blake-Related civil Legal Information and Assistance:

We proudly collaborate with dedicated organizations that provide legal help related to the Blake decision:

  • Civil Survival: Committed to empowering and assisting those impacted by the criminal justice system.
  • The Way to Justice: Advocating for a fairer justice system and providing guidance for those affected by the Blake ruling.
  • Living with Conviction: Offering support and resources for individuals dealing prior criminal convictions and legal financial oblations (LFOs).
  • Northwest Justice Project: Providing legal assistance to those in need.

Other Legal Resources and Sources of Blake-Related Legal Help:

  • Washington Law Help: A comprehensive hub for legal self-help resources, including specific Blake-related forms for those aiming to vacate prior convictions or remit LFOs.
  • Justice in Motion: This platform empowers individuals by allowing them to access their criminal histories, vital for those seeking to redress prior criminal justice involvement.
  • Office of Public Defense: OCLA’s sister judicial branch agency is a partner in our efforts to secure justice for individuals with unconstitutional convictions.

OCLA Tenant Right to Appointed Counsel Program

1 Page Report

Appointed Counsel Best Practices

Evictions by Default Judgment in Washington State

Final Report on Implementation of Tenant Appointment Counsel Program 10-2023

OCLA Report to the Legislature — Implementation of Indigent Tenant Right to Counsel

OCLA Implementation Plan – Right to Counsel for Indigent Tenants

UD Bench Card

Updated – OCLA – SU Housing Justice Collective

OCLA Underwrites Gonzaga University Law Student Internships for Tenant Defense

July 11, 2011 AAG Letter Re: Effect of RCW 59.18.640 on Authority of Courts to Hear UD Cases

OCLA RTC Contracted Programs By County 12-13-21

Eviction Defense Screening Line (EDSL) Income Screening Calculation

OCLA RTC Implementation Memos to Superior Court Judges Association, Clerks, and Court Administrators

Memo No. 13
Memo No. 12
Memo No. 11
Memo No. 10.1
Memo No. 10
Memo No. 9
Memo No. 8
Memo No. 7
Memo No. 6
Memo No. 5
Memo No. 4
Memo No. 3
Memo No. 2
Memo No. 1

former Chief Justice) Debra Stephens and Access to Justice Board Chair Francis AdewaleThe Spokesman-Review (January 20, 2021)

OCLA Videos

“… And Justice For All

Watch the trailer and full video to see how civil legal aid solves problems, gives hope and redeems lives one person at a time.

“… One Person at a Time:  Tarra Simmons”

Watch this video of a former civil legal aid client telling how civil legal aid changed her life.

“Civil Legal Aid:  The Business Case”

Watch this video of Microsoft President and Chief Legal Officer, Brad Smith, explaining why businesses care about civil legal aid and justice for all.

2016 Civil Justice Reinvestment Plan

2015 Civil Legal Needs Study Update Related Materials:

2016 Statewide Civil Legal Aid to Crime Victims Program

Family Law Automated Forms Assembly System (Technology Assisted Forms)

TAF Project Plan – Summary

TAF Project Timeline

2003 Civil Legal Needs Study

1989 Report on the Need for Civil Legal Services for Poor Persons in the State of Washington

The Office of Civil Legal Aid is required to report biennially on the status of access to the civil justice system for low-income people eligible for state-funded legal aid.

2011 Biennial Report on the Status of Access to the Civil Justice System for Low-Income People Eligible for State-Funded Civil Legal Aid

2009 Biennial Report on the Status of Access to the Civil Justice System for Low Income People Eligible for State-Funded Civil Legal Aid

Here Are Some Other Places to Find Information About Civil Legal Aid and Related Services

Washington State
